You wouldn't be the only online entrepreneur wondering at this question, as I was squarely in the same exact position you are right now.
And why wouldn't we be? After all, there are tons and tons of tools, technologies, and tactics being stuffed down our throats on a regular basis - all of them promising to be the "next big thing" when it comes to online marketing success, but most of them falling flat on their face. In fact, the overwhelming majority of these tools and technologies - if you can call than that - are little more than modern-day snake oil peddled by less than ethical marketers.
Luckily, doesn't fall under that category. After I heard a handful of (very trusted) entrepreneurial friends talk about the results they got from, I knew I had to try it out for myself.
Boy was I in for a shock. puts incredible power at your fingertips
The first thing that you're going to notice the moment that you sign up for a account (and access the dashboard) is just how much power you have at your fingertips.
Going far beyond the traditional "click tracking and cloaking" services available online, this is a full-fledged suite of online marketing tools that go beyond anything I'd ever seen before. Not only would I have access to untold amounts of data and information about each and every person that clicked links pointing to my web site, but I'd be able to do almost anything else I wanted when it came to optimizing and maximizing those profit sources.
I'm talking about being able to:
* Click track each and every visitor, prospect, and customer in real-time and follow them as they move through my web sites
* Push my marketing content to go viral thanks to tight integration to all of the major social media platforms with the click of a button
* Redirect cold IP's to other landing pages, squeeze pages, joint venture offers, and other profit sources to maximize my return on investment
* Enjoy REAL geo-targeting and specific promotions targeted to geographical areas
* ... And so much more!
The most important thing to realize about is how "future proof" it is
If there's something that has really made me a raving fan about, it would have to be their focus on delivering only the latest and greatest tools, technologies, and advantages as they rollout. I've only been a member for a short period of time, but in that short span of time as they roll out a handful of new features, updates, and resources that make sure that I'm on the literal bleeding edge when it comes to optimizing my business.
Obviously, I could prattle on and on about and what it's done for my business personally - but in the long run, who cares? After all, you're probably interested in getting the most out of this platform for your own business (and profits) and who could blame you?
Make sure that you get your hands on just as soon as humanly possible. I strongly recommend using to track your clicks and cloak your links!